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SELCO E7800.0710 Supply 24 VDC Motorized Potensiometer

Update Terakhir
07 / 05 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Harga Mulai
Rp. 17.500.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 19.500.000
Usaha kami berdiri sejak tahun 2011 terus tumbuh dan berkembang melayani kebutuhan barang Elektrikal ,Mekanikal dan jasa Instalasi,Wiring ,Commisoning ,Troubleshoting                                                                                           

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Detail SELCO E7800.0710 Supply 24 VDC Motorized Potensiometer

The E7800 Motorized Potentiometer

The E7800 Motorized Potentiometer is typically used as an interface between increase/decrease relay contacts (or push buttons) and a device requiring control by an external potentiometer (e.g. the speed trim of an electronic governor).

All three wires of the potentiometer are directly accessible on external connection terminals, thus providing the best possible flexibility for almost any application.

A special version of the E7800 with DC voltage output is also available. The DC output voltage follows the position of the potentiometer. The design of the E7800 ensures that the potentiometer will “remember” its position although supply is lost.

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